Nelson Piquet Souto Maior terrorised the Formula 1 grid during the 1980s. Before Senna, the Carioca became the first Brazilian to ever win three world championships. His genius behind the wheel helped him achieving many wins. However, it’s his personna and quotes that gave him an eternal life. Here’s a selection of Piquet’s most memorable statements.


There are things in life that can never be changed: the sun rising East, 2+2=4 and Nelson Piquet saying something without thinking beforehand. During his career, and even after, Rio’s very own never missed an opportunity to say horrible things in front of livid journalists and TV crews.

Why is Nelson Piquet so mean then? Frankly, I don’t know, only because the answer is very complex. People tend to forget that you need great mental strength to succeed in Formula 1 and motorsport as a whole. A driver that doesn’t know how to handle pressure and critics will never be crowned world champion, you can take my word for it.

And that’s something Nelson Piquet understood very well. With his god-awful critics, he used his competitors’ poor mental strength as an advantage. How can you not love this man? Formule moy1 had to pay respect to the Brazilian champion. So, here’s a video of Nelson’s four favorite “victims”.


You’ve liked it? You want more? Good. Nelson Piquet went in on so many people, I would have to make a three-hour video in order to show you guys everything. Just see for yourself:

On Brazil

“Road traffic in Brazil is more fatal than any circuits in Formula 1.”

“I say what I think, then I regret it. Often. But if you think too much before you speak, you’ll end up like Emerson Fittipaldi, who always says nice things about everybody.”

On Ayrton Senna

“At Lotus, Senna was earning less than a half of what he claimed to make. I know that because I saw his contract.”

On Alain Prost

“I don’t know why they call him “The Professor”. He is the one who made the most mistakes in Formula 1.”

On Ferrari

“The Commendatore Enzo is senile.”

“The Ferraris are death traps.”

On his former teammate Satoru Nakajima

“Even someone driving for the first time in a F1 car wouldn’t be as bad as Satoru Nakajima.”

On Gilles Villeneuve

“Gilles Villeneuve used to wear a helmet a size down. His head was trapped, that’s why he kept making mistakes.”

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